Strategic move for

As of January 1st, we’re thrilled to announce that is now part of BARBUSS (, a global network of experienced professionals that develops innovative solutions through different business units: Claims Services, Tailored Financing Solutions...

Marine & Offshore, a new department at KVDS has taken the confinement of the last weeks as an opportunity to think about our company, our services and our customers. This has led to the creation of a new department, KVDS Marine & Offshore, that will act under supervision of Cpt. Luc Métens, member...


De meest recente wetgeving inzake ladingzekering doet allerlei vragen opkomen over hoe deze wetgeving in te vullen. Op dinsdag 26 mei 2020 wordt een studiedag georganiseerd ism KU Leuven. Kurt Vanderspinnen zal één van de interessante gastsprekers zijn. Vlaams...

Rens de Visser receives licence as private detective

Our Colleague Rens de Visser, recently graduated as ‘Particulier Onderzoeker’ by SVPB (Stichting Vakbekwaamheid Particuliere Beveiligingsorganisatie) in the Netherlands, now also succesfully finished the education to receive his licence number as a private...

Acquisition of Globe Experts

Vanaf 1 februari 2019 worden de activiteiten van GLOBE EXPERTS, dat geleid wordt door Olivier Courtejoie, geïntegreerd in Deze integratie impliceert dat dhr. Olivier Courtejoie vanaf 1 februari deel uitmaakt van het team. Hij blijft volledig actief als...